The Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear two cases that could dictate the future of climate change tort suits. Such suits have proliferated in recent years: several dozen active cases assert state tort law claims—like nuisance, trespass, and strict liability—against oil and gas companies for fueling and misleading the public about climate change. The two pending cases go to the very foundations of these claims.Continue Reading Supreme Court Receives Filings with Key Implications for Climate Change Tort Suits
Oil & Gas
COP28 Day 9 Recap: Nature, Land Use, Oceans, and Nature-Based Solutions
By Martin Levy & W. Andrew Jack on
Posted in COP28
What You Need to Know.
- The thematic focus of the day’s programming was on nature, land use, and ocean, including events on scaling effective solutions that protect, restore, and beneficially manage nature ecosystems, addressing drivers of nature loss, empowering Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and creating resilient livelihoods. As part of this discussion, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) launched a report highlighting that nearly $7 trillion of public and private finance each year supports activities that directly harm nature—thirty times the amount spent annually on “nature-based solutions,” or actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use, and manage natural resources that simultaneously provide human well-being, ecosystem, and resilience and biodiversity benefits.
Continue Reading COP28 Day 9 Recap: Nature, Land Use, Oceans, and Nature-Based Solutions
COP28 Day 4 Recap: The First COP Health Day
By Martin Levy & Kevin Poloncarz on
Posted in COP28
What You Need to Know.
- The fourth Day of COP28 saw the first-ever Health Day at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference. In collaboration with the World Health Organization, Health Day included programing that showcased the links between the impacts of climate change on human health and methods for identifying and scaling adaptation measures to address these impacts.
Continue Reading COP28 Day 4 Recap: The First COP Health Day
Islamic Finance Update on the Dana Gas Case: Sanctity of English law Contract upheld, Notwithstanding Claims of Shari’ah Non-compliance
By Christoph Schulz on
Posted in European Energy & Climate Policy
This post looks at the recent English High Court decision in Dana Gas PJSC v Dana Gas Sukuk Ltd & Ors [2017] EWHC 2928.
Participants in the Middle East (and wider) Islamic finance markets held their breath during much of this year. This was pending consideration by the High Court in England on some…