Photo of John Webster Leslie

John Webster Leslie

Web Leslie advises clients on a broad range of risks, challenges, and opportunities at the intersection of technology and security, including on matters of cybersecurity, critical infrastructure, national security, and data privacy.

As a part of his investigations practice, Web helps clients navigate complex civil and criminal investigations related to cyber and national security, including under the False Claims Act, FTC Act, and state equivalents. His practice also includes helping clients manage internal investigations related to cyber compliance and insider threat risks. Web also routinely advises clients throughout all stages of incident response and breach notification arising from nation-state activity, sophisticated criminal threat actors, and other cyber threats.

On compliance matters, Web assists clients across numerous industries, including in healthcare, financial services, telecommunications, technology, transportation, manufacturing, food and beverage, and insurance, to address the ever-expanding regulatory landscape. He advises on various issues including: statutory and contractual security requirements, cybersecurity guidance and best practices, cyber maturity assessments, incident preparedness, critical infrastructure risks, third-party risk management, and international cyber regulations, among others. Web’s regulatory practice also includes public policy advocacy related to cyber regulation and national security policy.

In addition to his regular practice, Web counsels pro bono clients on technology, immigration, and criminal law matters.

Web previously served in government in different roles at the Department of Homeland Security, including at the National Protection and Programs Directorate—known today as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency—where he specialized in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, public-private partnerships, and interagency cyber operations. He also served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued a final rule (Order No. 887) directing the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) to develop new or modified Reliability Standards that require internal network security monitoring (“INSM”) within Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) networked environments.  This Order may be of interest to entities that develop, implement, or maintain hardware or software for operational technologies associated with bulk electric systems (“BES”).

The forthcoming standards will only apply to certain high- and medium-impact BES Cyber Systems.  The final rule also requires NERC to conduct a feasibility study for implementing similar standards across all other types of BES Cyber Systems.  NERC must propose the new or modified standards within 15 months of the effective date of the final rule, which is 60 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register.  Continue Reading FERC Orders Development of New Internal Network Security Monitoring Standards

On April 20, 2022, the cybersecurity authorities of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom—the so-called “Five Eye” governments—announced the publication of Alert AA22-110A, a Joint Cybersecurity Advisory (the “Advisory”) warning critical infrastructure organizations throughout the world that the Russian invasion of Ukraine could expose them “to increased malicious cyber activity from Russian state-sponsored cyber actors or Russian-aligned cybercrime groups.”  The Advisory is intended to update a January 2022 Joint Cybersecurity Advisory, which provided an overview of Russian state-sponsored cyber operations and tactics, techniques, and procedures (“TTPs”).

In its announcement, the authorities urged critical infrastructure network defenders in particular “to prepare for and mitigate potential cyber threats by hardening their cyber defenses” as recommended in the Advisory.Continue Reading International Cybersecurity Authorities Issue Joint Advisory on Russian Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure