In a May 23 opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Electric Power Supply Association v. FERC found that FERC has no jurisdiction to establish rules for providing compensation to retail customers that reduce their demand in organized wholesale electricity markets. Over the past decade,
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PJM Interconnection
Third Circuit Upholds FERC Order Approving PJM Tariff Targeting State Generation Capacity Subsidies
By Inside Energy on
Posted in Electricity Grid
In the latest salvo in an ongoing controversy over state efforts to subsidize local generation capacity development, the Third Circuit in New Jersey Board of Public Utilities v. FERC upheld a final FERC order approving a PJM Interconnection tariff governing its wholesale capacity market. The court denied appeals by the
Gas Price Spikes Cause Electricity Market Rule Changes
By Inside Energy on
Posted in Electricity Grid, Oil & Gas Policy
The unprecedented spikes in natural gas prices due to the recent harsh winter weather have led FERC to approve temporary yet significant waivers of the pricing rules in the mid-Atlantic and New York organized wholesale electricity markets.
Both the PJM Interconnection and the New York ISO attract the resources to…
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