On May 23, 2023, the FTC hosted a public workshop on recyclable claims called “Talking Trash at the FTC: Recyclable Claims and the Green Guides.” The FTC convened the workshop in connection with its ongoing review of the Green Guides. The workshop included three panels of stakeholders discussing a variety of issues relating to the current state of recycling claims, consumer perception of such claims, and how the FTC should consider updating its guidance.Continue Reading FTC Solicits Diverse Perspectives during Workshop on Recyclable Claims
Green Guides
FTC Launches Green Guides Review, 60-day Comment Period Closes February 2023
By Laura Kim, Lindsay Brewer & Alexandra Remick on
Posted in ESG
On December 14, 2022, during an open Commission meeting, the Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously to issue a Federal Register notice requesting comments on the efficacy of the Green Guides. The initial request for comments seeks input on whether to retain, modify, or rescind the Guides. The notice was published in late December, marking the beginning of a 60-day comment period that ends on February 21, 2023.Continue Reading FTC Launches Green Guides Review, 60-day Comment Period Closes February 2023